How To Live In The Moment and Why?
Hello :)
How are you?
Today I have a nice article to share with you.
Its about living in the moment.
Some friends already ask me, (because they know I'm on this stuff)
If they should live in the moment.
My answer is allays the same. ''where else can you live?''
It's impossible to live in the past, and impossible to live in the future.
You can try, but you will just live inside your head.
You have to grow up and realize that the past is only inside your head.
It's only imagination. ISN'T REAL.
Life is outside of your head.
The Present moment is where everything happens, is where life happens, is where
your friends are, is where your opportunities are!
Therefore, if you are grasping in your past you will not perceive the moment as it is.
And you will miss life completly.
If you live worried about the Future, you only create unnecessary anxaety.
Have no point trying to anticipate life, you have to realize that is just
a way to your Ego finds itself secure, making plans to preserve something
bad to happen.
It's just nonsense, no one will be happy living that way.
First thing, we have to realize that all of us have this 2 impulses. (Past, Future illusion thinking)
Nothing bad with that! That's a common thing.
But as soon you bring this impulses to your consciousness they can't control you.
Push your attention back to where you are now! what you're doing now?
What you're thinking now? what you're feeling now?
For us to advance in consciousness we need to live more consciously in every moment :) Great news!
So, The Present Moment is The only place you will find what you need. Everithing. Believe me.
I will give you some tips to live more Present. (Aleluia) :D
1- Be aware of your thinking mood.
(This is good, try not to get oblivious during your day, it's called Self-awareness )
2-Cosnciously move your attention tho the present moment.
(what you doing in the moment. i.e pealing a potato, having a dialog,
walking on the street, what ever it is. Just be more fully in the now)
3- Give some attention to your body.
(Just feel your body, or just sit and relax.)
4- Peripheral vision.
(this is a kind of contemplation. you just look forward and pay attention to
the totality of your vision, central and peripheral)
5- Practice Meditation.
(one definition that i like for meditation is jut bring my self back to where I am.
Now! You have to see meditation as that, an exercise to bring you to the present moment.
just that...
6- Less TV and music!
(this is the greatest! well for someone who is really interested on consciousness
evolution, this is very important. Seeing less TV makes your thoughts easier to contemplate)
Therfore you are more conscious in daily life.
Hope you like it, and
Use the tips for your benefit.
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